Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Its teacher's day once again... We began the day with the "rj" routine.. which was creative no doubt, but very unconventional and hard to follow. or it was probably due to my slow reflexes. *sheepish grin^-^. But honestly speaking, I would prefer to do the Great Singapore workout. passing such a comment is quite unfair, considering the effort that the dance club pple put into choreographing and improving the workout. Maybe they should have a fixed RJ workout instead of having to wreck their brains to think of more 'creative' moves each year.
And the performance, I would not say that it was lousy altogether. the 'contest' thing put up by the teachers was corny, especially the mathematical induction part by the maths teachers. For the other segment, a QnA, the comperes made an attempt to interact with the audience, although i must say that the response was but lukewarm. and Mr McTay won so many awards - the most intersting teacher award, the teacher with the sexiest voice.. but i think he deserves it:) and as expected, Ms Chua won the most hyper teacher award.
The class party was really the highlight of the day! We gave Mrs V this really cute Moshi Moro softtoy with this yellow sweater. I hope we managed to gaive Mr tay the 5 'coory poof'! haha. :D the party was like a mass snacking session.. but i think everyone was full in the end, and satisifed.
I did not go back to RGS, although i would very much like to... I thought it would be quite awkward as i would not know what to say to the teacher's, and i was very tired... hope i will not be considered an ingrate..
still have the whole lot of homework lined up for the teacher's day holiday, and SRP and PW! sigh...
i will pen off here.