sinful indulgences

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Argh!! been indulging in lots of ice-cream and chocolate.. afterall, this is america's dairyland... I can't help it if they come knocking on my door... (it's not TOTALLY my fault, right?)

today, we had a housewarming party at the senior's place. And it was ice cream galore!

Ben&Jerry's! My favourite because of its richness.. mmm...

my favourites so far:

yum yum... still reeling from the sugar high

PLUS PLUS we have our very own babcock icecream. The texture is superb! really!

one more thing that I really really like: Butterfinger!

It's just SOOO nice!

Plus they have Combos here! Yes, i'm a Combos fan! It's just so nice... and its sad that we don't get these in Singapore anymore....

And, did i mention parties?

man! oh man!

so you think chemistry lab is fun...

Friday, September 22, 2006

well... it is, if ALL the reagents are already prepared for you, and all you have to do is pour 50 mL of solution into the buret, or pipet 25 mL of a reagent, and start your titration.

Analytical CHemistry gives you the whole package. So now, you get to prepare your stock solutions, weigh out your chemicals and dissolve them to form a solution. And if you think that is all, no no.. you're wrong.

I felt like I enrolled into a dishwashing class on the very first laboratory session we had. We had to wash all our equipment with Alconox, and scrub them real well. Then wash with distilled water and the usual.


12 125mL, 2 500mL, 2 1L polyethene bottles
6 250mL conical flasks,
6 filter crucibles
3 weighing bottles
2 sets of glass beakers (each set contains a 100mL, 250mL, 500mL and 1L beaker)
100mL, 250mL, 500mL and 1000mL volumetric flasks
1mL, 5mL, 10mL, 25mL, 50mL pipets
50mL buret
etc etc etc

And its not only the washing. Today, we had to prepare NaOH solution. We had to dilute it from 19.1M (mols/L) of concentrated NaOH. Man. I don't know how i got concentrated NaOH onto my hand, because I did not even recall spilling anything. But I felt something biting into my skin. Being the itchy hand that I am, I rubbed that area, and it was soapy... eww.. 19.1M.. so freaking concentrated... In JC, we always worked with concentrations of point something... and those are already quite corrosive...
Later I found out from Kelvin that his TA had told them to wear gloves before taking the concentrated solutions. Argh!!!

Besides all the above complaints, analytical chem is really fun. I'm starting to like it a lot! It beats secondary and JC chem lab work. It rocks!

Yup, so you think chemistry lab is fun? It is!

so cold

AHH!!! it's only end summer early fall, and temperatures have dropped to 10 degrees celsius. The nights get freezing cold (although it is 8 degrees only) because they don't turn on the heater yet. Argh... I had to wear gloves when it got so cold one of those nights, something which utterly shocked my room-mate and my neighbours. Man! I wonder how I'll survive -20 degrees celsius.
Now I know how wonderful it feels to drink something hot when you're cold. And i realise the importance of a good down comforter. Haha.. That is probably the reason why I'm starting to like sleeping. Once i'm out of bed, the cold starts to hit again... Especially bad when you're walking against the cursed wind, or worse, in the rain.
Boo hoo... I have to check the weather forecast religiously. So if there's a chance of precipitation, i know that i MUST wear covered shoes. Not sandals or slippers. How I miss sunny Singapore. Haha... I will never complain about the weather in Singapore anymore...

pictures of Lake Mendota @ UW-Madison

Sunday, September 17, 2006

pictures don't do justice to the picturesque campus, but i'm still gonna post them anyway

the beautiful lake mendota


we simply love kayi's mini mahjong set!

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