spring break part 3: pike place, pioneer square, univeristy of washington, boeing factory, space needle

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Stop 4: Pike Place!

a huge market! selling all kinds of produce from raw fish to homemade jam to t-shirts and souvenirs. the highlight was food and more food!

and i did not realize why it was "sleepless in seattle" till i came to pike place. and lo and behold! i was introduced to life, the seattle way. you get a coffee joint at almost every other corner you turn. Oh my goodness! if it wasn't a Starbucks, it was Seattle's Best Coffee. Else, it was Tully's! And did you know that Seattle was the birthplace of Starbucks? I wonder why its not surprising...

at the very first Starbucks joint:)

I am not a fan of crocs. and what i saw waS simply bizarre...

oh my goodness! oh my goodness! that was the only thing i could say... it's as if crocs are not outlandish enough. they have these things which you can insert into the holes! OH MY GOODNESS!

to all crocs lovers out there: Good for you!

as we were walking around downtown seattle, we stumbled upon this waterfall park in the midst of the CBD... hmm

Stop 5: Pioneer Square

the underground tour was quite an interesting experience, an eye opener. so we were introduced to the history of sanitation in seattle. how it was a challenge to the hilly terrain of seattle. and so fortunately for a fire that razed to the city to the ground, the city could be rebuilt with a better sanitation system. Ok, point taken. but it was the longest 1 1/2 hours ever. enough said.

sarah, me and kayi. with the brave firemen:)

what did i say about totems?!

Stop 6: University of Washington

It is such a beautiful campus! And to think they say that UWMadison is a nice campus. It really pales in comparison to UWashington. At least UWashington has buildings which are of the same architectural style - very European style. Whilst in Madison, you get random buildings everywhere. In Madison, you get a modern looking glass panelled building, which sticks like a sore thumb amongst the rest of the humble brick ones. haha... but its still a nicer campus than you know what... oops:x

a picture we took at the entrance of the university, at the expense of being laughed at by passing drivers

Stop 7: Boeing factory
and what visit to seattle would be complete if you did not visit the boeing factory?! woo.. it was absolutely cool. you see 777s being put together. and 787s in the making. not that I really knew what the specifics of 777s were. but at least i learnt that the wings of 787s could bend so that turbulence is reduced. and something that dawned upon me only then: airplanes are HUGE!

one of the propeller engines. just look at the complexity! respect for aeronautical engineers!

Stop 8: Space needle

ooo the space needle towers over

the skyline of downtown seattle

sunset by the bay
sunset... again
all in all seattle is one of the nicest US cities i have been to so far. it is somewhere i wouldn't mind going again and again and again:)
group pictures courtesy of Khian Hong

spring break part 2: skagit


1st stop: Factory outlet!:):):):):)

Yeah! we decided to stop by Prime outlets on our way back to Seattle:) Shopping! yeah! but this Prime Outlets was so small! but it was better than nothing! what trip would be complete without some shopping, right?:) hee. anyway, GAP had a really good sale! and I spent so much...

2nd stop: skagit - tulips tulips and more tulips

it was a pity that the tulips weren't in full bloom yet... but we still managed to find a small farm where there were some:)

the pink tulips

more tulips!

yellow tulips

i like this picture:)

group picture:)

WCP at the tulip farm

3rd stop: La Quinta

and guess what we saw in the car park? a WCP car!!:) ooo

group pictures courtesy of Khian Hong

spring break part 1: vancouver

spring break was invigorating!:):):)

vancouver and seattle were really wonderful places.
the scenary was beautiful - mountain ranges and the pacific ocean

the weather was awesome! it did not rain on us! which was really really rare because it rains almost everyday in seattle!:)


1ST Stop: stanley park

we were all SOO excited when we saw trees with pink flowers! i am tempted to say they are sakura trees, but i better not, knowing how bad i am with plants and animals. but i am starting to learn more about animals.. and i promise i will get better:)

you'd be surprised at how much i have to learn about animals. and yes, i recently learnt that ducks could fly! oh my goodness! and swans too!

kayi, sarah and me with the tree with pink flowers!

doesn't this look like something you would take in Japan? Sakura flowers with Mt. Fuji in the background.... ok.. i should stop misleading people into thinking that there are Sakura flowers in Canada...

and Lion's gate bridge! haha! guess what? it is green! My goodness! what a gaudy color to choose for a bridge. it successfully spoilt the whole scenary

Lion's gate bridge at Prospect Point

another view from prospect point

and so, we were so captured by the scenary that we decided to make a stop at Prospect Point in Stanley Park. In our zest to take in the scenary, we did not realize that we had to pay to park at Prospect Point. When we got back, we GOT A TICKET!! and the fine was $31 plus. We did not know what to say for awhile... but when we went to pay our fine the next day, they waived the charges because we were tourists! can you believe that? :)

totem poles! and i thought you only see these in New zealand. ok, maybe its just me... haha.. but you see a lot of totem poles in seattle and vancouver

2nd stop: Capilano Bridge

capilano bridge, which is suspended 70m above the ravine

the ravine!

but we made it through:)

the bridge hangs behind

3rd "stop": Grouse mountain

we decided to give this a miss because we did not have time to enjoy the activities that it had to offer... like skiing and ice skating...

grouse mountain

the chairlift up to grouse mountain!

Stop 4: Granville Island Market

It was a really small market. Nothing much to see or do, thus quite a disappointment...

Capilano bridge and group pictures courtesy of Khian Hong

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