
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Too many things are just happening.
There are so many alternatives.
I have to make choices.
But I don't know how.
Think win-win is what we learn.
But I don't see how.

I hate decision making.
But the first step in living life to the fullest is knowing and deciding what you want.
Do I know what I want?
Will decision making be so tough then?
There are so many things to do.
But there is so little time
Should I give up some of my commitments?
Victoria and jiaqi gave me some invaluable advice. [Thanks:)]
And I think I know the direction I should be headed to now.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Happy Chinese New YEar!!

cny celebrations..

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

was quite nice... except towards the end when we all became quite stoned.
It started off with Lion dance.. which started off well enough. As we were all sitting in front (in anticipation of Jiaqi's performance), we had a very nice view of the lion dance performance. the movements of the lion were very cute... with the shaking of the tail etc. then the performers wanted to jump onto 2 benches... but they missed and... ouch... it must have been painful, especially for the guy in front. But they got onto their feet again, and tried the stunt again.. and succeeded eventually:) Nice!

Sad to say.. because of the 4 permanent bands at the parade square, there wasn't enough time for Jiaqi's performance:( sigh... we all wanted to see her perform... i think the organising committee should have screened out some performances that CMI, instead of accepting everything... it was torture...

anyway.. things ended well enough.

mugger gang

Sunday, February 06, 2005

members : jiaxin, jiaqi, victoria, peifen and me
honourary member: xunqi :D
courtesy of terence

Jiaxin was quite bothered by the name, but especially uncomfortable with the 'gang' part. So she said maybe we should not stick together so often. victoria and I were quite surprised, and we started laughing, as we were more disturbed by the "mugger" part to the name...

Victoria said that terence was nice enough not to call us "mugger toads" haha... i still laugh at this term now... Don't u think it is funny... Try saying "mugger toad" out loud, and think of the toad, possibly a bespectacled one... lol. it is probably just me...

Anyway, I think all of us don't deserve the honour. I must agree with Jiaxin's analysis that we all look like muggers, in a way, because we are all bespectacled, 'quiet', always sit in front and appear very serious and what not... but i guess looks can be deceiving. For one, though I would very much like to be a mugger this year, i am sadly not one yet... :(

have to go back to spring cleaning... bye for now =)


Saturday, February 05, 2005

the worse is over, and now, I can finally sit back and relax :) and help in spring cleaning and stuff.

Looking forward to CNY celebrations in school. I want to hear jiaqi sing "chao1 kuai4 gan1". I think she sings very well... go jiaqi! i think the school is doing its best to bring in the festive mood, like all the decorations around the school by the different factions. I think the decorations outside LT2 are the nicest. The ones at the parade square, which is sadly by Med Fac, is really pathetic. But the little decorations here and there in the huge campus is really insufficient to bring about an impact...

biggest loser in the world...

Friday, February 04, 2005

and yes, that is me.
Sigh.. thursday was a terribly terribly bad day, at least for me. We had 2 SPA assessments in a row, back-to-back, literally. And guess what? No reward for guessing correctly. I screwed both SPAs, being the loser that I am. If you don't believe me, read on.

First, Chem SPA Skill B and D. I have always hated skill B, and I always mess up my practicals. So during this SPA, I forgot to clamp the conical flask with the retort stand, despite constantly reminding myself to do so before the assessment. Guess I was too nervous. And if that wasn't bad enough, guess what, besides swirling the conical flsk at the beginning to ensure proper mixing, and swirled it throughout the experiment... as i did not understand the instructions about not swirling it continuously. So I happily (and yes, stupidly) swirled the conical flask, and was very happy when bubbles emerged so quickly. it was only later that i realised that we should not be doing that. So my experiment for FA4 was done correctly. Then I wanted to do the reaction for FA3 again, so, I tried to act smart. Whilst waiting for the reaction to complete, I multitasked. I prepared all the reagents, and told myself that I am supposed to add FA3. Apparently, I added FA4, because when I started the reaction, bubbles did not emerge as quickly as it is supposed to for FA3. I realised it, and I was very very pissed with myself. I wanted to cry... cry for being the fool I am.

Then it was physics SPA. I got everything right, at least I could not figure out what was wrong at first. Then I started discussing the paper with Victoria on the way to the bus-stop. I told her I used a 250ml beaker to contain the testtube, and she started laughing... of course I realised my mistake... how can the testtube which is supposed to fit 50g weights float in a 250ml beaker of water?! Sigh... It will be too heavy to float in that little miserable volume of water, much less bob up and down... sigh... Do u realise what a loser and what a peabrain i am now?

Sigh sigh sigh...what a lousy day.

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