biggest loser in the world...

Friday, February 04, 2005

and yes, that is me.
Sigh.. thursday was a terribly terribly bad day, at least for me. We had 2 SPA assessments in a row, back-to-back, literally. And guess what? No reward for guessing correctly. I screwed both SPAs, being the loser that I am. If you don't believe me, read on.

First, Chem SPA Skill B and D. I have always hated skill B, and I always mess up my practicals. So during this SPA, I forgot to clamp the conical flask with the retort stand, despite constantly reminding myself to do so before the assessment. Guess I was too nervous. And if that wasn't bad enough, guess what, besides swirling the conical flsk at the beginning to ensure proper mixing, and swirled it throughout the experiment... as i did not understand the instructions about not swirling it continuously. So I happily (and yes, stupidly) swirled the conical flask, and was very happy when bubbles emerged so quickly. it was only later that i realised that we should not be doing that. So my experiment for FA4 was done correctly. Then I wanted to do the reaction for FA3 again, so, I tried to act smart. Whilst waiting for the reaction to complete, I multitasked. I prepared all the reagents, and told myself that I am supposed to add FA3. Apparently, I added FA4, because when I started the reaction, bubbles did not emerge as quickly as it is supposed to for FA3. I realised it, and I was very very pissed with myself. I wanted to cry... cry for being the fool I am.

Then it was physics SPA. I got everything right, at least I could not figure out what was wrong at first. Then I started discussing the paper with Victoria on the way to the bus-stop. I told her I used a 250ml beaker to contain the testtube, and she started laughing... of course I realised my mistake... how can the testtube which is supposed to fit 50g weights float in a 250ml beaker of water?! Sigh... It will be too heavy to float in that little miserable volume of water, much less bob up and down... sigh... Do u realise what a loser and what a peabrain i am now?

Sigh sigh sigh...what a lousy day.


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