Friday, July 01, 2005

I was just looking at the subjects that I am currently taking, and I realised how science has now become such a major part of my life. How could this be possible, considering the fact that when I was in primary school, my science was really lousy, always bordering 70-80. And science then was supposed to be considered easy. Sigh. I guess my mind was not very coherent then.

Well anyway, I particularly remembered one question from one of the continual assessments. It goes something like this: Mrs. Lim went to buy fishballs. The fishball seller told her that the fishballs were made purely from fish meat, and no flour was added. How does Mrs. Lim test if what he was saying is true?

Haha, it seems like an easy question right? But at that point in time, I was really stumped. I was thinking along the line of tasting the fishball. But unless she is a real connoisseur, how would she be able to taste that 0.1% of flour added? Haha.. The solution is to add iodine.

Sigh... But I guess somehow, somewhere, I got better:) which was a good thing:) I cannot imagine myself mugging some humanities subject for A levels, because I just don't have the flair for it.


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