missing home

Friday, March 30, 2007

It's strange how I don't feel excited about the coming trip. Or about spring break in general.

Spring break is finally here!!! yeah!

I am trying, but it's just not working.

As I walked to my classes today, some folks were already waiting for parents or friends to pick them up. I thought back to how different such breaks meant back in Singapore. I really looked forward to holidays then. There was always this buzz in the air when a holiday drew near, and the holiday mood that I would be in. I did not know the reason back then. But now I see why. It meant short trips with my family. It meant lazing around the house with them. Just spending time together. There is probably a buzz over spring break, but i don't feel it. How I wish, and wish and wish that I can be back home in Singapore.

I suddenly realize why I did not feel the anticipation for any of the trips we have had, or the coming trip to New York. I am looking forward to the trip back to Singapore though. I feel as though I have lost my interest for travelling.

Some have plans to go places or enjoy the sun and the beach. But the lucky ones are those who get to go home...

Holidays are meant for things you really want to do, for you to touch base with where your heart lies...

Anyway, it's just 2 more months! Let the countdown begin:)

a breather

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

it has been a long while since i blogged!
half a semester has just whizzed past in a blink of an eye! wow! it's only 8 more weeks till i will be back home again:)
been really busy this semester. Monday just comes and before you know it, its already friday, then Saturday then Sunday, then Monday again.

some of the more significant things so far...

which was undoubtedly a failure. The crust was so disgusting! ahh! i should have taken a picture to show you guys how badly the egg tarts turned out... The crust was tasteless and the custard was not sweet enough. But they were so nice about it... saying that the egg tarts were nice. haha:D will try baking egg tarts again when i have more time back in singapore.

I am starting to learn driving, again. Haha! And i realize i am super bad with reversing!

And some of you might know, I have never been a fan of chocolate milk. BUt UW Dairy plant produces very very god chocolate milk!

And bagels bagels and more bagels! bagels are so yummy! I remember when we first tried it in LA, i swore never to touch it ever again. It tasted really bad back then. I guess it is an acquired taste, and perhaps it was because I thought it was a donut! yes! that's why i did not like it when i first tasted it.

the past 3 weeks were really HECTIC! i am so glad that it is finally over, and spring break is coming:)

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