we won!!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

it was an eventful day of ups and downs.
But the first team guys still trashed hwa chong in the end!!
by a score of 172 to 105. A remarkable feat, i must say:) All their efforts paid off! and rj brought back the challenge trophy.
Yes!! sweet victory:)


Friday, July 29, 2005

i have been complaining a lot about my life and the things around me recently.

Every little thing seems to irritate me.

Like how irregular buses come -- have you ever noticed that you can wait a whole 20 minutes, and the bus just doesn't come. When it finally comes, you see 2 buses.
And how some people just like blasting the music from their walkmans or mp3 players. I pity their ear drums.

and my mom is sick and tired of me ranting and raving


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Fan Wei Qi



Friday, July 01, 2005

I was just looking at the subjects that I am currently taking, and I realised how science has now become such a major part of my life. How could this be possible, considering the fact that when I was in primary school, my science was really lousy, always bordering 70-80. And science then was supposed to be considered easy. Sigh. I guess my mind was not very coherent then.

Well anyway, I particularly remembered one question from one of the continual assessments. It goes something like this: Mrs. Lim went to buy fishballs. The fishball seller told her that the fishballs were made purely from fish meat, and no flour was added. How does Mrs. Lim test if what he was saying is true?

Haha, it seems like an easy question right? But at that point in time, I was really stumped. I was thinking along the line of tasting the fishball. But unless she is a real connoisseur, how would she be able to taste that 0.1% of flour added? Haha.. The solution is to add iodine.

Sigh... But I guess somehow, somewhere, I got better:) which was a good thing:) I cannot imagine myself mugging some humanities subject for A levels, because I just don't have the flair for it.

my june holidays and what is left of it...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Common tests are really drawing near now, and I am starting to hyperventilate. looking back at my june holidays, I realise that I have been slacking through it, indulging in television, and doing anything but studying for cts ( e.g cross stitch) which was a waste of time. But surprisingly I haven't been surfing the net for a while, thanks to my internet connection, which screwed up of all times...

Went to Kbox on Tuesday with Jiaqi, Vic, Peifen and Bernice. Had a good time singing our hearts out for some 4 hours. And thanks to you guys for putting up with my substandard singing -_- heh. But Jiaqi was really impressive, singing music of the night and phantom of the opera. Haha… Probably brought back some fond memories for her:D

Had mediquiz training today. No prizes for guessing how many people turned up for training today. Haha. 2 – me and chin wern. A new record. Everyone mugging for cts... And to make things worse, the room was locked when we got there. Sigh. I really cannot stand it already. I made the booking through the general office, and they don't open the room for us. Then why have the stupid student's booking system in place? We should just go through teachers…

Enough of complaining for now. I guess its time to start mugging. Real hard.

Sunny Side Up!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Sunny side up! Was a wonderful experience. But I was really exhausted by the end of the day. Mentally exhausted, I guess.
The kids were really hyper. It was difficult to keep up with them. But they were really fun and adorable:) wanted to pinch their cheeks and ruffle their hair. Haha. Jiaqi called me a pedophile because I kept commenting about how cute the kids were. Nevermind. Lol.
Hmm… the most memorable was the charades. The kids were really "shen" at it. They guessed every single word that the facilitators had. We had to rack our brains to come up with more words, like "Casper". That was really funny. Lol. The facilitator acted like a ghost. Then he gave a silly smile. And the amazing thing was that the kids actually guessed it correctly. Then we decided to give them killer questions like "Draco Malfoy". Haha. They took a while before getting it. But they are good! Credit must also be given to Brian, who gamely agreed to act out the terms like powerpuff girls. He was good at it, and I guess he really had that connection with the kids.

During our lunch break, Jun Xu gave an animated description about the illustrations in his storybook. He was so cute. He was enthusiastically describing the pictures in the book, which were really illustrated to the most intricate detail. He even topped it up with sound effects like "whoosh", "bang", "bong", plus his star laughter:D It was so entertaining to listen as the whole scene was vivdly painted out in front of us. Cool.

It was heartening to see most of the kids open up over the course of the day. And I guess all of them, even the few who were quite unenthusiastic about the whole thing at first, were happy at the end of the day. Yeah! :D


Thursday, May 12, 2005

hmm... i tend to 'join' 2 words together if the last and first letters of the 2 consecutive words are the same e.g "so odd" becomes "so dd" haha:D u get the idea.
this is bad. Must be the effects of Newater.

dialect names...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

today was unexpectedly a nice day (despite it being a long one)

I had a good laugh listening to how Jiaxin was trying to translate jiaqi's and her own name into hokkien. she would be "chua kah sin" and jiaqi would be "kok kah kee". lol
It just sounds very funny, especially for a girl's name... Haha.. maybe it is just me.
We started to trying to translate other names and had a certain sense of achievement and a real good laugh when we managed to stumble upon a suitable hokkien name for a certain someone, making jiaqi go red in the face...


Friday, April 22, 2005

first of all, if you haven't already realised, the tagboard is down. And I cannot be bothered to download another one for now. bear with it for now:)

hmm. I don't understand anything that is going on during physics s lectures.
Somehow, I feel i should not be there at all.
I don't think my physics is half as good as most of the people there.
And I am not putting in the effort to do the tutorials properly, getting even the most basic of concepts wrong.

Sometimes, I really wonder if I should continue with Mediquiz.
Why I am still investing so much time and effort in it?
And sacrificing a whole lot of other things.
I think I am stupid.
It was a mistake right from the very start to join Medquiz.
I was indecisive as to whether I should drop it or not.
Then came a whole turn of events.
That seemed to seal my fate.
Or did it?
I guess I could have still dropped out.
But I chose not to.
Nonetheless, I am very tempted to do so.
I am torn apart within.

And why must there be unofficial and official match support events?!
And to think that we weren't even informed of such a policy.
Aren't they ALL match support?
Supporting your fellow peers?

me vic peifen and cheryl went down for rugby match support at RI.
And we stayed there long enough to realise that there were no councilor's ard.
we went to ask ard, and it was only then we found out that no match support points will be given for this match.
whatever man

term 1...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

one term has passed.
i don't really know what i have been doing.
Just being pushed with the tide of time.
Mediquiz trainings have started to intensify.
i am lost in lectures, and falling behind my tutorials.
I guess this is because I don't prioritise and plan my time properly - like updating this blog when i haven't started studying for common tests...

SSEF is finally over.
and the results were quite predictable actually...
Went home empty-handed.
Wasn't expecting to win anything in the first place
Since my results were not conclusive.
And there were flaws in the procedure, which I realised only 1 day before the judging.
But it was quite sad that people like Joshua, who came up with the project all by himself did not win anything.
Nonetheless, I guess the experience was a good one.
At least now I know how 'pro' other projects are.
And I met up with classmates from 6H'99 NHPS.
And I got to know people better and made new friends:)


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Too many things are just happening.
There are so many alternatives.
I have to make choices.
But I don't know how.
Think win-win is what we learn.
But I don't see how.

I hate decision making.
But the first step in living life to the fullest is knowing and deciding what you want.
Do I know what I want?
Will decision making be so tough then?
There are so many things to do.
But there is so little time
Should I give up some of my commitments?
Victoria and jiaqi gave me some invaluable advice. [Thanks:)]
And I think I know the direction I should be headed to now.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Happy Chinese New YEar!!

cny celebrations..

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

was quite nice... except towards the end when we all became quite stoned.
It started off with Lion dance.. which started off well enough. As we were all sitting in front (in anticipation of Jiaqi's performance), we had a very nice view of the lion dance performance. the movements of the lion were very cute... with the shaking of the tail etc. then the performers wanted to jump onto 2 benches... but they missed and... ouch... it must have been painful, especially for the guy in front. But they got onto their feet again, and tried the stunt again.. and succeeded eventually:) Nice!

Sad to say.. because of the 4 permanent bands at the parade square, there wasn't enough time for Jiaqi's performance:( sigh... we all wanted to see her perform... i think the organising committee should have screened out some performances that CMI, instead of accepting everything... it was torture...

anyway.. things ended well enough.

mugger gang

Sunday, February 06, 2005

members : jiaxin, jiaqi, victoria, peifen and me
honourary member: xunqi :D
courtesy of terence

Jiaxin was quite bothered by the name, but especially uncomfortable with the 'gang' part. So she said maybe we should not stick together so often. victoria and I were quite surprised, and we started laughing, as we were more disturbed by the "mugger" part to the name...

Victoria said that terence was nice enough not to call us "mugger toads" haha... i still laugh at this term now... Don't u think it is funny... Try saying "mugger toad" out loud, and think of the toad, possibly a bespectacled one... lol. it is probably just me...

Anyway, I think all of us don't deserve the honour. I must agree with Jiaxin's analysis that we all look like muggers, in a way, because we are all bespectacled, 'quiet', always sit in front and appear very serious and what not... but i guess looks can be deceiving. For one, though I would very much like to be a mugger this year, i am sadly not one yet... :(

have to go back to spring cleaning... bye for now =)


Saturday, February 05, 2005

the worse is over, and now, I can finally sit back and relax :) and help in spring cleaning and stuff.

Looking forward to CNY celebrations in school. I want to hear jiaqi sing "chao1 kuai4 gan1". I think she sings very well... go jiaqi! i think the school is doing its best to bring in the festive mood, like all the decorations around the school by the different factions. I think the decorations outside LT2 are the nicest. The ones at the parade square, which is sadly by Med Fac, is really pathetic. But the little decorations here and there in the huge campus is really insufficient to bring about an impact...

biggest loser in the world...

Friday, February 04, 2005

and yes, that is me.
Sigh.. thursday was a terribly terribly bad day, at least for me. We had 2 SPA assessments in a row, back-to-back, literally. And guess what? No reward for guessing correctly. I screwed both SPAs, being the loser that I am. If you don't believe me, read on.

First, Chem SPA Skill B and D. I have always hated skill B, and I always mess up my practicals. So during this SPA, I forgot to clamp the conical flask with the retort stand, despite constantly reminding myself to do so before the assessment. Guess I was too nervous. And if that wasn't bad enough, guess what, besides swirling the conical flsk at the beginning to ensure proper mixing, and swirled it throughout the experiment... as i did not understand the instructions about not swirling it continuously. So I happily (and yes, stupidly) swirled the conical flask, and was very happy when bubbles emerged so quickly. it was only later that i realised that we should not be doing that. So my experiment for FA4 was done correctly. Then I wanted to do the reaction for FA3 again, so, I tried to act smart. Whilst waiting for the reaction to complete, I multitasked. I prepared all the reagents, and told myself that I am supposed to add FA3. Apparently, I added FA4, because when I started the reaction, bubbles did not emerge as quickly as it is supposed to for FA3. I realised it, and I was very very pissed with myself. I wanted to cry... cry for being the fool I am.

Then it was physics SPA. I got everything right, at least I could not figure out what was wrong at first. Then I started discussing the paper with Victoria on the way to the bus-stop. I told her I used a 250ml beaker to contain the testtube, and she started laughing... of course I realised my mistake... how can the testtube which is supposed to fit 50g weights float in a 250ml beaker of water?! Sigh... It will be too heavy to float in that little miserable volume of water, much less bob up and down... sigh... Do u realise what a loser and what a peabrain i am now?

Sigh sigh sigh...what a lousy day.


Friday, January 28, 2005

had the first Physics S paper training on thurs, and it was quite bad, especially the last question that he went through - about the estimaton of thickness of the flat, spherical earth. He kept 'slicing' the crust into increasingly thinner slices, and i started laughing uncontrollably... many others did too. Don't know why also...But anyway, i think physics S is quite hard.
But I don't know what else to take. Not considering Maths S because I don't have the 'stamina' to sit through long questions... my mind tends to wander off after a while... and I know i cannot compete with the F maths people...

Anyway, on friday, there was mock Napfa. standing broad jump is my nemesis. enough said...

At the end of the day, we watched Farenheit 9/11. The film was very disturbing, as all the evidence in it seemed to point to 9/11 being part of a big money-spinning conspiracy...

'interesting' maths

Thursday, January 20, 2005

one week of school has passed, once again. I am sure many would agree that Maths lectures had been the "highlight" of the week:D Not that I enjoy her "here in this case"s, but I find the things people do to empahsise this fact amusing.
Like during one of the lectures, there were some people who pasted "IN THIS CASE" on the wall of the LT. And as if that was not enough, they pasted a tally sheet beneath the banner. That was the last straw, and most people started laughing uncontrollably. I was guilty of laughing too. sigh... Apparently, the lecturer did not realise what the laughter was about (but my instincts tell me she knew what was going on, and choose to ignore it). Instead, she 'mistakingly' thought it was due to the santa claus hat soemone was wearing.
Anyway, during the next lecture, the issue sort of died off.. until this "brave" soul from some class asked a question, in which he injected "in this case"s. making his point... obviously. She then trademarked her "In this case". And I think she is quite proud of her trademark too.. no wonder she does not want to make an effort to change...

new year, new start, new campus

Saturday, January 08, 2005


It has been a while since i updated this blog. Been rushing all my holiday homework, which, till date, have not been completed. haha.. whatever.. anyway, i guess the tutors will not be going through these till much later in the year:D
One week of school has passed, and it was like just a blink of an eye. I guess life in J2 is just more fast paced. I can't imagine how hectic it will be when s paper lectures and CCAs start...
But for now, I am loving the new RJ campus! although some people feel theold campus was more homely...but i like the new campus better... It is so cool! Spanking new, well equipped, sprawling, nice LTs and what not. Best still, we get a home room. The classrooms are bright and airy, more conducive for learning, as compared to the dull, dusty, dirty and old classrooms down at Mount Sinai. That's all for now...

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